
Your body hears everything your mind says.

The first step to changing how you feel about your body is committing to the change. You need to acknowledge that you have a negative relationship with your body and that you want to have a positive, healthy one. Tell yourself, “I want to have a positive relationship with my body. I deserve to be loved and accepted in this exact body. I will no longer entertain people or messages that tell me otherwise.”

“Each individual’s body demands to be accepted on it’s own terms”

— Tanika Morrison

Your way to wellness

People believe self-care has to expensive and lavish, but that’s not always the case. There are things that we can do everyday to improve our self-esteem and well being. It could be as simple as putting down your phone and being alone with your thoughts for just five minutes. Here are some things that I implement in my self-care routine:

  • Take at least 5 minutes to decompress everyday.

  • Move for at least 30 minutes a day.

  • Get some sleep and snooze your way through self-care.

  • Write down the lies—the negative self-talk, self-doubt—and then combat that with what you know to be true.